Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Guareschi: big effort, little reward

For Vittoriano Guareschi, and for the rest of the Ducati team, the results at Indianapolis were difficult to swallow. Following the race, long meetings were held with both Rossi and Hayden (photo).

"Today was very challenging for our team and riders, and despite their typical great efforts, we struggled to bring home a few points - the Italian team manager said - After the positive performance at Brno, we expected to find a good rhythm here at Indianapolis as well. We didn’t manage it, although it’s also true that we suffered a few setbacks. For example, Nicky chose a soft front tire that proved not to be the best, but his race pace in the early laps was very good, while Valentino had a transmission problem that had never shown up during the four practice sessions. Anyway, we know that we have to improve, and no one at Ducati or in the team is holding back as we work toward that goal.”

source: GP One

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