Friday, September 2, 2011

Bautista: Misano a real fun track

Rizla Suzuki's Alvaro Bautista, eighth at Misano last year, heads for this weekend's 2011 event looking to continue the upward curve from Indianapolis last Sunday.

The Spaniard claimed his best dry result of the season with sixth in the USA and has high hopes for a circuit that suits both his riding style and the GSV-R. 

“I think we have a good reference at Misano from last year and we had a good race there in 2010. I want to improve on that and think that we can," he said.

"It is a track that has every type of corner, it involves lots of hard braking and plenty of changes of direction – it is a real fun track to ride. 

"I want to start with a similar rhythm to that which we had in the race last year and try to be as close as I can to the top as early as possible. 

"I believe we have the package now to do that and we will keep working hard until we achieve our goals.”

Bautista will start round 13 holding twelfth in the world championship.

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