Monday, July 25, 2011

Karel Abraham finishes eleventh despite technical problem

Karel Abraham Laguna Seca 2011

Despite not getting the start he wanted, Karel Abraham moved forward to tenth place from his fifth row start to pursue Hector Barbera, whose lead was just 1.405s ahead of the Czech rider on lap 30 of 32. Unfortunately, technical problems occurred making it difficult for Abraham to pass Barbera in the last moments of the race.

“Something in the rear suspension broke near the end of the race when I was getting close enough to overtake Hector Barbera,” explained Abraham. “Basically I was sitting on my rear wheel, so the last two laps were really slow and I had to concentrate on not crashing because the bike was moving all over the place. Then on the last lap I couldn’t hold off Aoyama and he overtook me.” The 27 year old crossed the line 0.282 seconds behind Hiroshi Aoyama to finish in eleventh place. “I finished the race, though I'm not real satisfied with my result,” he said, “but I’m looking forward to the next race which is the home Grand Prix for me and for my team.”

Abraham and his team will head to the Czech Republic for the Cardion AB Grand Prix České republiky on the weekend of August 12th to 14th at the Brno Circuit. “I hope lots of fans will go to the Brno Circuit to support me,” Abraham concluded.

source: motogp official website

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